Program Reviews

Reviews Signpost.Don’t you just hate buying something only to be disappointed that the product did not perform as well as expected? Me too! So that’s why I started researching and writing reviews of marriage and infidelity ebooks and self-help programs.

When I was dealing with my ex-husband’s multiple affairs (before the Internet as we know it today), it was a very lonely and trying time for me because not only did I not have anyone to confide in but I did not have access to the many wonderful books and programs that are available online today. With just a few clicks of your mouse, you can download an ebook and start healing right away.

This page lists all of the reviews that I’ve done. Simply click on the “Read the rest of…. link to be taken to the full review. I know this is a very trying time for you and the last thing you need is to invest in a resource that does not meet your needs. So I’ve made it my goal to give you everything you need in order to make a confident choice and be extremely satisfied with your decision.

Marriage Fitness by Mort Fertel Review

The Marriage Fitness program is a new alternative to traditional marriage counseling and can help save a marriage suffering from different problems such as infidelity, lack of affection, separation and failed experiences in marriage counseling. Does it work and is it right for you?

Read the rest of the Marriage Fitness review

Break Free From the Affair by Dr. Bob Huizenga Review

There are many books available that claim to help you in healing after an affair and Break Free From the Affair is one of them. Does Break Free From the Affair work? I’ve done a lot research on the matter and I think I can help you decide on an answer to that question. Everything I’ve found out is in the article below.


Read the rest of the Break Free From the Affair by Dr. Bob Huizenga review

Survive Her Affair by Kevin Jackson Review

The men’s only guide to healing and surviving when your wife cheats on you. Will it work for you?

Read the rest of the Survive Her Affair review

Save the Marriage by Dr. Lee H. Baucom Review

You CAN save your marriage starting today even if you are the ONLY One interested. That’s the bold promise made by Dr. Lee H. Baucom. Does the Save the Marriage program work?

Read the rest of the Save the Marriage by Dr. Lee H. Baucom Review

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