Welcome to the Weekly Love Overboard Blog RoundUp! This is a new feature that I’m adding here at Infidelity Healing.
This post is part of a weekly series, Love Overboard, featuring the best posts of the week in love, marriage, infidelity and relationships from around the web. Every week I find some great posts that I’d like to share with you. I chose them based on what will help you with your marriage and relationship.
There is always a large choice of posts with something for everyone.
Let’s jump right in.
36 Things I Know After 36 Years of Marriage
With so many marriages ending in divorce it’s nice to see a couple still happily married after 36 years. That is an achievement in an age of disposal marriages. To celebrate her 36 years of marriage, the author shares 36 valuable lessons on making a marriage work. I like this one…
Discouragement is one of the greatest threats to marriage. I’ve seen struggling couples give up on marriages that could quite likely be saved had they been given the proper guidance and encouragement to hang in there and fix things.
Read the rest of the article: 36 Things I Know After 36 Years of Marriage
8 Surprising (And Scientifically Proven) Things That Lead To A Lasting Marriage
This article shares science based research showing some of the factors that contribute to a lasting marriage. Not suprisingly, spending a lot of time on social media is not one of them. Regarding social media and marriage…
Researchers determined that the use of Facebook and other social networking sites is linked to increased marital dissatisfaction and increased divorce rates. They also found that, among heavy social media users, 32 percent had thought about leaving their significant others, compared to 16 percent of non-social media users.
Read the rest of the article: 8 Surprising (And Scientifically Proven) Things That Lead To A Lasting Marriage
4 Things That Are Hurting Your Wife and Killing Your Marriage
Matt Walsh of The Blaze wrote this post for husbands in response to this post: 5 ways you are unknowingly destroying your husband and killing your marriage. In this post he shares what he feels are the ways husbands might be hurting their wives and killing their marriages. When talking about “immaturity” he mentions how some husbands become so wrapped up in playing video games to the exclusion of their wives and everything else…
But there are some men who take their video games so seriously, who are so enraptured with them, so wrapped up in the so called ‘culture,’ that any criticism of video games at all, whatsoever, will be met with rage and indignation.
Read the rest of the article: 4 Things That Are Hurting Your Wife and Killing Your Marriage
9 things your husband is always thinking about
Wives if you want an insight into your husband’s mind (from a husband), take a look at this post. Supposedly these nine things are the things that dominate his thoughts. Not surprisingly, sex and sports are on the list. On searching for peace…
Men tend to crave silence and solitude in a way most women do not. Men tend to mentally recharge through silence and contemplation while women tend to recharge through conversation and engagement.
Read the rest of the article: 9 things your husband is always thinking about
6 Ways to Become More Attracted to Your Spouse
Do you feel that you are no longer attracted to your spouse? Even if you’re not feeling this way, this article is a good read. According to the author, there are specific things that you can do to maintain and cultivate attraction for your husband or wife…
become active, not passive. Don’t wait for attraction to land on your lap. Enjoy and appreciate each other, finding new activities to do together. Tell your mate how they can become more attractive to you and what they would like to become more attracted to you.
Read the rest of the article: 6 Ways to Become More Attracted to Your Spouse
Final thoughts
Having a happy and fulfilling marriage takes work and commitment from both spouses. Sometimes you need a little help to get there. But be sure the advice you’re getting is the best advice and not what you want to hear. If your marriage is in need of some TLC, take a look at the Save The Marriage System. It’s a unique relationship save that is proven to work if you put your heart into into. Click on the link above to learn more.
Until next week.
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