Welcome to Day 2 of the Self-Esteem Challenge. Yesterday, we talked about appreciating your strengths.
Today we’re going to reflect on and affirm who you are. You don’t need to be someone else, you need to love who you already are.
Most people have a picture in their heads of who they think they should be. I should be smarter. Better looking. Funnier. Better with kids. Nicer, more loving, more easy-going.
These ideas have been enforced from a young age by parents, teachers, and even friends.
This has to stop today. TODAY it’s time to affirm and accept who you are – NOT who you should be.
Heath L. Buckmaster said: “Often, it’s not about becoming a new person, but becoming the person you were meant to be, and already are, but don’t know how to be.”
Dalai Lama XIV said: “We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”
It’s time to make peace with yourself. To affirm and accept who you are. To put aside ideas of who you should be and embrace who you already are.
Today, take 10 minutes to say these affirmations out loud and repeatedly, until you actually believe them.
- I have everything I need within myself.
- I have much to celebrate about myself and my life.
- I choose to stop apologizing for being me.
- I love the person that I am.
- I accept myself unconditionally.
- The only approval I’ll ever need is mine.
- Accept others as they are and they in turn accept me as I am.
The more you affirm and accept yourself, the more your self-esteem will increase.
Okay, remember to spend 10 minutes on the affirmations! No cutting out early!
Before we dive in tomorrow, share one affirmation in the comments below that REALLY helped you.
Tomorrow we’re going to be diving into the amazingly helpful topic of eliminating negative self-talk.