We take care of our kids, we take care of the family pets, we take care of things at work, and many of us take care of things for our aging parents, too.
We get so wrapped up in taking care of everyone – and everything – else, that we sometimes forget that we need taking care of, too.
As women, we take care of everything and everyone from the minute we wake till we fall asleep, most nights from sheer exhaustion. Shouldn’t that be enough? But it isn’t, because the most important person in that equation is being the one most marginalized.
A self-care survival kit is a personalized box of fun things to use to pamper yourself. When you are feeling sad, stressed, or just feel like it, pull this box out and enjoy. The survival kit will help you loosen up and just relax and feel a sense of self-pride.
Making a kit can be just as rewarding as using one. This can be a fun activity to do with friends and family or even just by yourself to unwind.
The first task that needs to be done when creating this kit is finding a box or basket to put things in. Buy colorful markers, glitter, and ribbons to decorate the outside if you want to. This can be super creative or just simple. Decorate until you are happy with the way it looks.
Healthy relationships at home and work are a priority for a healthy, well-balanced individual. And one of the best ways of having a healthy relationship is by setting up boundaries.
Personal boundaries are the emotional, mental, and physical limits we set up to protect ourselves, as well as assert our individualism while realizing the same in others.
Having a strong sense of self helps you identify with who you are and your likes and dislikes. Otherwise, you’ll just derive your sense of worth from others’ opinion of you.
Those who haven’t set up strong personal boundaries suffer from fear of rejection, of being not good enough. And they usually attract those who disrespect and take advantage of them.
How does practicing gratitude on a regular basis contribute to self-care? Our thoughts create neural pathways in the brain. The more we think them, the deeper the channels run. Think of driving your car through mud. It leaves tracks, right? If you drive the same way every day for years, those channels will get deeper and deeper.