Due to the intense pain that extramarital affairs cause, it can be really difficult to accept that recovery after an affair is a possibility, as the shock, confusion, and heartbreak are often too overwhelming.
This, in turn, causes the recovery process to feel daunting because it requires healing across three entities, the partner who committed the affair, the injured partner, and the relationship.
When looking at the affair recovery timeline, it’s very probable that these three entities will need different time lengths to completely process and accept what has happened.
For the betrayed partners, the general rule of thumb, is that it will take approximately one to two years time to heal, with eighteen months being the middle ground. It is important to note that the progression through the timeline steps are not universal and will be different for everyone.
Zero – Six Weeks: this period of time is hallmarked by emotional instability as this is when the discovery is made or told to you. How you discover the affair matters, as this determines your initial reaction.
Often a meltdown will occur due to emotional trauma. This is followed by the attempt to understand the why behind the extramarital affair. It is extremely important at this stage to not make any big decisions about the relationship as the heightened emotional state may cause regrets.
It is critical that the injured partner stabilizes themselves so that they are eating and sleeping as best as possible. Although the injured spouse will experience many ups and downs from vigilance to anger, to hatred and disgust, they must not blame themselves for their spouse’s affair.
The wayward spouse must cut off the other person completely in a way that their spouse agrees with.
Three to Six Months: permitting that the first stage has been stabilized, then core issues may be dealt with during this time period.
Unfortunately, during this stage, there may be a lot of fighting due to improper communication techniques and dominating emotions.
It is extremely important for the former cheating spouse to show their hurt spouses that they care (done through empathy and willingness) and that a “why” has been established for how the event happened.
There will be a lot of grieving in this period for what was and what has been lost which means that both partners have to regulate their emotions carefully with one another. The unfaithful spouse should take the required actions to showcase and reassure and make their spouse feel safe.
It is not uncommon for there to be depressive episodes, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive thoughts, and anxiety.
Months Nine to Twelve: this stage in the infidelity recovery timeline involves potential reconciliation and forgiveness as it is a time of acceptance. What is important here is that the hurt partner gets reassurance that their partner is committed to them.
Sometimes untrue thoughts will pop up, it is important that these are talked through in the open as to avoid hopeless feelings. Permitting that genuine remorse is shown, the third-party is removed, and there is understanding, both partners have a chance at starting over and saving the marriage.
Months Twelve to Eighteen: this stage in the recovery process is about choosing to move forward as a couple to rebuild trust. What is important here is that there is an improvement in conflict resolution and communication. If this has been achieved, then the couple should understand what one another needs emotionally.
Both partners need to open up and choose to reconnect as one entity. There will still be some bad days, but they will be considerably less jarring at this point.
Eighteen to Twenty-Four Months: generally speaking, this phase of recovery includes maintenance. Maintenance is different for every couple, but it should be about affirming marital satisfaction, stabilization, and commitment.
Now, this is just a general affair recovery timeline, so it will be vastly different for some married couples than others.
For instance, couples who are dealing with sexual addiction will find that it takes many years to even get to stage three and four while others may be able to get to stage two rather quickly but then take years to move forward.
Every individual is different and will take different amounts of time to learn to heal, learn to re-trust, and learn to deal with the pain and obsessive thoughts.
It is important that couples seek out professional advice, take courses, and learn how to communicate with one another as this helps with the healing process and the fights. Plus, couples must understand what has happened and why because only then can one choose to forgive the digression.
For the injured partner specifically, it is critical that a safe space is found and non-confrontational communication ways are learned so that there can be a reconnection without drama or ultimatums.
This will put you on the road to understanding the core issues quicker and allow you to advocate for yourself and what you need for moving forward and surviving infidelity.
My wife told me a little over a year ago that she had oral sex with a friend of hers. We have been married for 16 years; together for 19; and we have four children. When she told me the very vague story; she didn’t know why; she doesn’t know his name, only his nickname; and it only happened once and that was it. However, they continued to speak on a normal basis from 2012 until 2016…but nothing ever happened. After she told me last year about her infidelity in 2012; he has completely dropped from the face of the earth. I still look everyday for his pickup truck. I had asked him and her long ago if something was going on and both of them told me absolutely not. But he came to my house had his penis sucked by my wife on my couch! I am pissed and unless she gives me truthful and real answers I feel I will always feel that way. I love her and want to forgive her but I cannot seem to forgive her because she only told me bits and pieces and she gets mad when I say that things do not add up. What do I do? I am so confused!
My wife was addicted to tramadol for 7 years and I missed all the signs. She wound up having an affair for 13 months 6 years into the addition. This all took place in 2014 and she just told me last month. How in the world can I move on from this